Featured Permaculture Training - Moringa Oleifera
Techniques For Structuring Water
ORMUS Technology
Superfoods For Superheros - Gold Rush
Featured Local Resource - Texas Grass-Fed Raw Milk
Featured Raw Vegan Recipe - Vanilla Nut Nog
Moringa Oleifera
"tree of miracles"

"He who has health has hope;
and he who has hope has everything."
- Arabian Proverb
Moringa Oleifera is all the buzz in the superfood world - and currently being researched as a solution for malnutrition in Africa. Known as the "Tree of Miracles", its valuable to permaculture landscape, a viable adjunct to sustainable living and a super source for high nutrient, raw nutrition and the potential for healing many diseases; All parts of this tree can be used for something useful, from the root to the leaves. I've outlined some of the highlights of this tree's amazing contribution to life here on Earth:
Key points for Permaculture:
Leguminous (balances nitrogen in the soil)
All parts edible/usable - pods/leaves/bark/roots/new pods/older pods
Edible Oil: "Ben Oil" - the powdered leaves and pods are pressed to make an nutritious edible oil similar to olive oil, high in oleic acid
BioFuel - the seed oil shows promise for use as a biofuel
Water purification: the ground seeds and press cake left over after the oil extraction can be used to help clean water. Moringa coagulates with particulate matter and bacteria causing it to fall to the bottom of the container. The water can then be seperated out and boiled. Apparently its more effective than alum for this purpose and much cheaper... ........and hey, who wants to use Alum ??
Mats and Rope can be made from the bark
Gum Resin is used as a medicine and for calico printing
The Wood makes a blue dye and can be used for firewood
Powerful Antibiotic and Anti-fungal qualities are present in the flowers and the roots
Plant Growth Hormone - The fresh leaves contain the hormone that can increase crop yields up to 30%
Compost - 'green manure' to enrich the soil
Drought tolerant
Resilant, fast growing, good for fast reforestation - Moringa also reaches heights up to 30 feet
New Leaves Appear toward the dry season when other greens are becoming less available
Flowers Bloom around 8 months after the tree is planted - and they have the taste and texture of mushrooms!
Cures Colds - a tea made from the flowers are a popular cold remedy in Hawaii
Bees/Honey - the flowers are a year-round source of nectar for bees
Dried Root - makes a spice similar to the taste of horseradish (moringa is nicknamed 'horseradish tree' in India, however, don't be confused, horseradish root is definitely a different plant)
Key Points for Nutrition and Medicine:
The Leaves contain supplemental and significantly high amounts of Vitamin A, C, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and Protein among other nutrients-the dried leaf powder contains 27g of protein per 100grams; 4 times the Vit A content of carrots, 4 times the calcium of milk, 2 times the protein in milk, 3 times the potassium content in bananas and twice the RDA for Iron. The fresh raw leaves contain 7 times the Vit C content of oranges
Moringa contains all 8 essential amino acids
The fresh leaf and the dried leaf vary in nutrient content; most nutrients increase in concentration once the leaf has been dried to a powder with the exception of the vitamin C and calcium - also the oxalic acid content that's very high in the fresh leaf decreases considerably to safe amounts in the dried leaf powder
The leaves can be eaten raw or cooked like spinach; the dried powder can be used like a superfood and a seasoning in soups, sauces or smoothies
The young green pods are said to taste like Asparagus, some say Artichoke; used like green beans in India- yum!
The older pods have known to be prepared like peas, or roasted like peanuts
The flowers have a taste and texture similar to mushrooms. I love this one!
Potential Cure for over 300 Ailments including tumors, hormonal imbalance, diabetes and other epidemics
The Big Question still remains: Can the "Tree of Miracles" be grown in Texas?
Do Avocado trees grow in San Juan?
why, yes they do!

Ciomperlik Farms
in San Juan, near McAllen
*more info on MORINGA:
*and for the scientist in you....
*order Moringa seeds in the US here
*learn how to grow Moringa
*another excellent resource including great photos and information on Moringa
Secrets For Structuring Water

Try structuring your water with this 'homegrown' technique. Watch on youtube as Daniel Vitalis teaches us an inexpensive alternative to the high priced "Vitalizer Plus" - a gadget that structures your water using vortex and magnetic technology. This machine, popular in the raw food community costs around $500 - But using 2 polycarbonate 5 gallon water jugs and a few cheap parts from any hardware store, you can be structuring and vortexing like its 1999!
watch it here (1 of 3 videos, youtube channel 'secretsofwater')
you can also learn more about using magnets to potentiate ORMUS in your morning smoothie, green soups or structured water here (1st of several videos, youtube channel 'thebestdayever37') - very informative

Help support this blog roll and my information-and-local-connection-mission by purchasing your superfoods through my website with Elements for Life.
Elements For Life offers some new, innovative, and some not-so-unknown, high vibe superfoods and deep cellular cleansing ormus-laden power products. Some of these products have been exclusively created for and will only be available through EFL and the list of products is sure grow over time. I'll keep you up to date on that.
There is also an business opportunity for any of you budding entrepreneurs out there. The reason I decided to invest in EFL is because of their product line, their sincere commitment to purity and quality, and because it was created by two guys in particular that have the impact of their actions on the Earth in mind...remember my rant in class about phytoplankton? :) These guys are aware of the potential negative impact that the overconsumption of phytoplankton could have on our environment and ecosystem - But they had good news for me! They are farming their own phytoplankton..... not pulling it out of the ocean. This is such an important distinction for the future of our earth, so if you decide you'd like to start taking phytoplankton, please only purchase from those that are not devasting our environment to access it's nutritional reward. EFL is also a community of people like you and me; gathering together, involved in and investing our future in Permaculture and good-earth practices. They also have an exclusive product called REVITAPHI featuring MORINGA!
Please note, the company is Elements for Life, but the website address is 'Noble Life Elements' and my ID is 'love creates life' - If you aren't sure about what to purchase or invest in right now, I'll be featuring one product each newsletter to explain its function and benefit and all important potential earth-shifting capability :) If you'd like more information on either the products or the business aspect, send me an email....... and so, well........:) check em out.....
Local Resources:
Sand Creek Farm & Dairy

Local Texas grass-fed raw milk on organically managed pastures - Sand Creek Farm & Dairy located in Cameron Texas, provides raw milk, cheese, cream, yogurt, kefir, some vegetables by the case, non-gmo, non-soy fed free-range eggs, among other products. Our good woman, Sashenka, who visited there with Ariel this weekend, says she was very impressed with the treatment of the animals, that their chickens are truly running free range and cared for and that the owners are very dedicated to keeping with organic and non-gmo standards.
Orders are due by 6am every Monday morning for the week following. They offer their products to co-op's, individuals and also have membership options - They are not able to deliver, so you can either pick up directly from them at the farm or purchase their products through the 'Home Sweet Farm' farmers market which happens once a month in Brenham. Be sure and check out the website for Home Sweet Farm; they grow exclusively vegetables and herbs using organic standards, and have many heirloom options. You can also work on the farm in exchange for a weekly share. Home Sweet Farm's motto is "we grow righteous food" :)
Ride shares anyone?? ;)
Raw Vegan Holiday Recipes Ideas
This book was sent out by Nomi Shannon AKA The Raw Gourmet free, as a holiday gift, just in time for Thanksgiving, so I thought I'd pass it on. It's a compilation by Nomi and Sheryl Duruz of Australia's www.raw-pleasure.com where you can get many more recipes online and in a free e-book that Sheryl gives out when you sign up for her emailing.
You can download Nomi's book of recipes here Raw Vegan Holiday Recipe Book -- it's put together a little strange IMO, and I haven't personally tested any of them yet, just so you know; non-the-less there are some jewels for ideas and scrumptious raw vegan indulgment in there. Recipes include mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, cashew cream and sweet potato souffle - i know we've many raw chefs out there who can use these ideas to create the best holiday feast ever!
Here's one to tempt your palate: Vanilla Nut Nog

Vanilla Nut Nog:
5 cups Brazil nuts
30-40 pitted medjool dates
5 vanilla beans or two Tablespoons vanilla extract
9-11 cups water
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Fresh whole nutmeg
"Soak the Brazil nuts 8-12 hours. Soak the dates and vanilla beans together in water to cover plus 2 inches for 8-12 hours. Drain the Brazil nuts, rinse well, and drain again. Remove the dates and vanilla beans from the soaking water and add enough additional water to make 10 cups. Pour into a blender, add the nuts and process until smooth. Add the dates, vanilla extract or beans and cinnamon to the blender. Blend again until smooth, stopping occasionally to scrape down the sides of the container. The mixture will be quite thick; if you prefer a thinner nog, add up to 1 more cup of water and blend again.
Taste and add more dates, vanilla or cinnamon as desired and process until smooth. Place a nut milk bag in a large bowl, pour the blended mixture into it in batches, and gently squeeze out the liquid. Pour the strained nog into cups, grate a bit of fresh nutmeg on top, and enjoy." Nomi Shannon www.rawgourmet.com
Love Creates Life,
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